Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Bono at the 45th Annual National Prayer Breakfast

As I was surfing the net this morning, and reading some regular blogs, I came across this article, www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/bononationalprayerbreakfast.htm
about Bono and his keynote address at the 45th Annual National Prayer Breakfast.
Lately, I have been extremely intrigued by this Mr. Bono fellow. I have always known who he was, but have never paid much attention to his message, which is intriguing but probably controversial to many people out there. I think I'm going to continue doing some research and figure out more about this man, before I say anymore.
Just read the article...it gets you thinking. He has a lot of great points, but he seems wishy washy in saying that God is the beginning and the end and the only true God. He talks a lot about how all religions are good, although he sure does quote a lot of scripture out of the Bible in this address.
I just found it very interesting, and for all those Bono and U2 fans out there, I am sure you will appreciate it!