So...apparently you can tag people in the blogging world! Who knew...I sure didn't. But I figure since I' ve been tagged by two people I had better co operate! I've been caught and tagged by both Janelle at and Karina at
So here goes answering these questions I've been tagged with.
7 Things I would like to do before I die:
1. Own a motorbike (preferably a Harley Davidson) and obtain my bike license...were going on the road hunny!
2. sky dive
3. have kids, hopefully 3 or 4
4. travel to Europe...I really want to visit Venice, Italy.
5. buy an old home and renovate it...and then decorate to my hearts content
6. own a brand new vehicle
7. enjoy celebrating my 50th wedding anniversary with Stephen
7 Things I can't do (yet):
1. Play floor hockey (here is the thing...I don't ever want to do it. I can't and that is that.)
2. Speak French fluently. Some day Stephen your going to teach me, and then we can be a bilingual family!
3. Go a day without tidying up my house (I'm a neat freak...its scary)
4. Sew an entire garment or blanket without someone's help. I need more patience!
5. Crochet a touque...someday soon!
6. Draw (If any of you know my sister, she is amazing...I have a long ways to go)
7 Things that attracte me to Blogging:
1. Meeting new people
2. I love looking at pictures...and since blogging is a great way to share photos of your family and friends...I love being able to see what is happening in people's lives visually.
3. Being able to hear people's hearts on issues in their lives and in the world. It is amazing what people will write, but not say out loud!
4. The fact that I can share my heart and maybe hopefully impact someone else.
5. Keeping in touch with people from far away.
6. Knowing that there are people that want to keep up to date with MY life and what is going on.
7. Being able to have feedback where people can comment on what you've written and your thoughts. I think it is a great idea.
7 Things I say most often:
1. I love you!
2. Crap!
3. Stephen, what are you thinking?
4. forsure (I think instead of saying Yes to people I say forsure a that a bad thing?!)
5. Good Morning/Good Afternoon ESTI, Melissa Speaking
6. Did you want your coffeecake warmed with whipcream? (honestly, I DO get tired of saying this, but I have no choice! yay Scotts Parable)
7. Have you done ________ (insert something differnet everytime) yet Stephen?
7 Books I love:
1. Redeeming Love-Francine Rivers
2. And The Shofar Blew-Francine Rivers
3. Guess How Much I love you?-Sam Mcbratney
4. I love the Bible...but I don't read it nearly enough...its sad really
5. Redemption Series by Karen good, but made me cry SO much!
6. The Ragamuffin Gospel-Brennan Manning
7. Antonement Child-Francine Rivers
7 Movies I watch Over and Over:
1. Hitch
2. How to lose a guy in 10 days (good one Janelle!)
3. Footloose
4. Home Alone
5. The Incredibles
6. White Christmas
7. The Notebook
7 People I want to join in too (you've been tagged!):
1. Carissa Friesen
2. Patti Friesen
3. Sharee Klassen
4. Chris Unger
5. Michele Richichi
6. Kristan Perpeluk
7. Dan King
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