Sunday, November 27, 2005

And then there was Christmas

It sure has been awhile since I have posted on here. I suppose I haven't really had anything significant to post about, or for that matter anything that I really felt I needed to talk about to the whole world.
These past few weeks have been incredibly crazy. Stephen's family came to visit and we had a lot of fun, although the visit was short. This weekend I had both of my work Christmas Parties, which turned out to be quite eventful. It sure was nice to get them both over with back to back, but with that said I wasn't dreading them in the least. They always prove to be a great time, with lots of laughs and good food and some wierd Christmas games. There are some pictures of me and my friend Sharee at the Scotts Parable Christian Stores Christmas Party (I don't have any pictures of my first Christmas party with ESTI).
Also, we finally bought our very first Christmas tree this past weekend and set it up and decorated it! It proved to be quite fun and really made it feel like our own little Christmas. Although the tree needs some work with decorations, I think that will come as the years go by. I am looking forward to some day having children and putting up the homemade Christmas ornaments of toilet paper rolls, popcorn, beads on pipe cleaners, and best of all popsicle stick figures! The only downer with our Christmas tree is....its fake. I know this will be horrifying for some of you, and for others it won't matter at all because in fact, most of you might just own a fake tree. We debated about the "tree issue" for quite some time. We came to the conclusion that trying to get a real tree down in our basement and THEN back up would be just too much for us. I think for myself, buying a real tree seems unheard of in my books. When I was growing up in BC, in my elementary years, the tradition in my house was to go and cut down our own tree. We made it an all day event, and travelled up into the mountains with the 4x4 to find the perfect tree. I can recall many stories of almost getting stuck in all of the snow! be buying a tree all wrapped up and perfect looking just doesn't seem right. But then on the other hand, buying a fake one seems even more wrong! I guess I'll just have to live with the guilt all Christmas and go out to WalMart and buy a evergreen air freshner and plug it in near the tree. That solves most of my problems:)


karina said...

evergreen air freshener, that's funny :)

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