I've decided to blog again.
I can't explain what changed my mind, but it was either toss the blog or start writing again.
But, due to the extremely busy schedule that I have the updates will be monthly. Hence, "monthly musings"
Every month I will try and re-cap what has happened in our lives, with pictures and stories.
Hopefully that will allow family and friends far away to keep up to date with what is happening in our oh so exciting lives :) (or the lack of excitment...whichever)
Life has been flying by ever so quickly. Summer felt like it just began and now is wasting away. Stephen and I have yet to take any holidays yet. But oh so soon! In a week we leave to visit the bountiful province of British Columbia to see my family for an entire week! We will frolic among the fruit trees, laze around on the beach and eat my Mom's amazing food.
We will also be taking another week of fun at the end of August with our good friends the Clarke's up north in Fort St. John. We will be doing some camping, hiking, quading, and many more fun outdoor activities.
So here begins our monthly musings...stay tuned.
What Do Grapes Grow On
6 months ago